Saturday, 23 February 2008

Pure Evil?

I decided to try and make an image for use in a children's book. I have no book to go with this or any future images however. Maybe I should make one. Maybe not. I could cause some serious mental problems, best steer clear of that idea.

Does anyone else think that the birds look pretty damn evil? Especially the first bird with the evil eyes... (you might need to click through to the larger image to appreciate the evilness)


Lance Anderson said...

I should write a children's story to match this image. Let me think about it.... I did used to write and tell children's stories for my UU church many moons ago.

John in the UK said...

I'm considering doing a series of images in this style. I just need to decide if I should have a loose theme or story to tie them together.

If you have any ideas, please let 'em rip.